Walking Dead Series 2 - Factory Error on a Pet

Great things come in mysterious miniature or pint sized packages, but which great thing will it be? It's all a mystery until you open one. Then the fun begins.
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Walking Dead Series 2 - Factory Error on a Pet

Postby Noctu » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:02 pm

So after taking a bunch of pictures, I was looking at my current collection of Series 2.
Which prompted me to want to share the tale of my Franken-Zombie and my utter confusion when I first started collecting. I had gone to the Walker Stalker convention in Chicago (2014), and it was there that I found my first blind box from Funko. An addiction was born, etc etc, and I bought so many boxes that metaphors would not do my insanity justice. Suffice it to say that it was "a lot." In any event, I pulled a Black Shoed Pet Walker (if memory serves) and then I pulled another. "Oh no! A duplicate already!" I thought to myself, because admitting you talk out loud to yourself can only be used against you in the future when people are trying to determine your level of crazy. As I inspected it though, it felt wrong. The mouth was all different, and some of paint spatter didn't match up and I was beginning to think someone had just abused the snot out of one of them, when a day or two later I got the Brown Shoed Pet. It suddenly became clear, and I felt less crazy (disregarding that I may or may not talk aloud to myself). I had stumbled upon a factory error, and a Franken-Zombie lived! Or was undead anew!
Somehow, the wrong head went on the wrong body and voila, a brand new monster and a great deal of confusion for me. And so, to prevent this being just about me and my super duper rare unicorn find (hah grandiose for an error no?) have you found any errors? Did it leave you perplexed? Amused? Amazed? Terrified? Other adjectives that might lead you to starting a response so I'm not dangling here alone!?
I'm Lyn. I know, confusing because I'm also Noctu. In real life I have a whole face too. Your mind blown yet? If not, keep talking... It's bound to splatter. XD

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