Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Let's talk about Funko and Super 7's great line of ReAction and Legacy action figures. They don't bobble or pop, but they thrill in their own fun way.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby dejavu72678 » Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:33 pm

Hey I heard that V was getting a second look, any truth to that?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby bgiles73 » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:31 pm

I will second "V" as my next biggest want after The Dark Crystal and Conan! I was so disappointed that I couldn't find cool figures with reptilian alien reveal after watching the series and seeing toys on the show itself of the visitors and their shuttle! I would by the hell out of these!

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:46 am

dejavu72678 wrote:Hey I heard that V was getting a second look, any truth to that?

No plans for V, sorry.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Jackknight » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:38 pm

As of right now, how many new Reaction lines should we expect to see at SDCC? I'd assume being that awesome Dark Crystal excluaivw is at SDCC, that will be one of the lines?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Cosmic_Cow » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:15 pm

ReisOBrien wrote:
lightscamrareaction wrote:Hello Reis.

Any chance of Magnum PI Reaction figures? If not, how about just a single figure of Magnum himself?

Are classic Battlestar Galactica Reaction figures still planned?

Looking forward to seeing prototypes of Trek TNG, BTTF2, A-Team, and ET!

No plans for Magnum, and BSG is cancelled. Sorry!

Bummer. My vintage LJN figure is missing half an arm. lol

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby bgiles73 » Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:53 am

Hi Reis, I'm trying to formulate a question that makes sense, so bear with me. Ok, here goes, "Lately, it seems as Reaction has been scaled back a lot of the retro- properties I and a lot of other posters here and all over the web are passionate about are now off the table, i.e. V, Battlestar Galactica, Magnum PI, The X-Files, etc. Does the fact that they have been canceled mean they are off the table for good or just in 2016? Could these ideas maybe return in 2017? Could X- Files maybe show up in the 9 POA action figure line alongside Game of Thrones, since it's a 90's property that has been resurrected? I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around other retro properties besides Conan and The Dark Crystal that might equate to large sales other than the properties that have been enquired about and already shot down. Am I just missing any 80's properties that might be a hit? As always, thanks for your hard work and feedback. That Dark Crystal line looks great by the way!

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Otter » Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:26 am

Are there more Dark Crystal images beyond the landstrider?

The landstrider that we saw on Toyark last week looks so much more refined than the unproduced figures from Aviva. Will this be the case for the Skeksis and Mystics also?

I can see this being the next line I have to have.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby RyDell » Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:05 am

I am new to this page although I do have a few Reaction figs (Alien, Predators, new Super7 MOTU) I saw the story on the Dark Crystal figs and got very excited, also seeing that you are to create Conan figures is very cool. I did not review all 41 pages here, so this may have already been answered, but any chance of doing BeastMaster figures or possibly Stargate from the original movies?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:50 am

Jackknight wrote:As of right now, how many new Reaction lines should we expect to see at SDCC? I'd assume being that awesome Dark Crystal excluaivw is at SDCC, that will be one of the lines?

I don't think I can say right now. I should let the marketing peeps do their reveals. ;)
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:38 pm

bgiles73 wrote:Hi Reis, I'm trying to formulate a question that makes sense, so bear with me. Ok, here goes, "Lately, it seems as Reaction has been scaled back a lot of the retro- properties I and a lot of other posters here and all over the web are passionate about are now off the table, i.e. V, Battlestar Galactica, Magnum PI, The X-Files, etc. Does the fact that they have been canceled mean they are off the table for good or just in 2016? Could these ideas maybe return in 2017? Could X- Files maybe show up in the 9 POA action figure line alongside Game of Thrones, since it's a 90's property that has been resurrected? I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around other retro properties besides Conan and The Dark Crystal that might equate to large sales other than the properties that have been enquired about and already shot down. Am I just missing any 80's properties that might be a hit? As always, thanks for your hard work and feedback. That Dark Crystal line looks great by the way!

As long as we own the license for something, nothing is ever truly and completely off the list. But when we say that something has been cancelled, it just means that we don't have any plans for it at this time. We may in the future, then again, we may never. Sorry you're having such a hard time, but we have to take 100 different factors into account when deciding whether or not to pour tens of thousands of dollars into developing a toy line.

Here's a few things to keep in mind:

1. Yes, you may be hearing a "ton of people" saying they want X ReAction figures, but that's because you're traveling in that particular circle. Of course everyone on the X fan forum say they want figures, they're X fans! And they've gathered all in one relatively small space. This is often called "selection bias". We do pay attention to those outlets, but we also have to look at the bigger picture. For example, I'm a massive Dukes of Hazzard fan and I'd love nothing more than to make every single character on that show in ReAction form, including a Boar's Nest playset and a General Lee. But I also know that as a whole, the toy buying fan base for that show just isn't that huge, although sometimes I feel like it is when I spend too much time chatting with my Dukes homies.

2. Just because something has a huge fan base, doesn't mean that it's a "toy buying" fan base. Look at it like this; Let's say X movie has 100,000 fans in the US. Almost 20 years of being in the collectibles business has shown us that only about 20% of that fan base are interested in buying collectibles based on X. That's 20,000 people. And out of that 20,000, we've learned that only about 50% are interested in buying toys based on X (the others stick with t-shirts, coffee mugs, framed art, etc.). That leaves us with 10,000, our target demographic. Out of that 10,000 only about half of them are interested in retro-styled figures based on X. That leaves us 5,0000. And then there's always 100 different reasons why any one of those 5,000 people may choose to buy the figures or not buy them. Maybe they don't have the money at that time, or the packaging wasn't how they imagined it would be, or whatever. So you see, even when it's a "big" license, we still only have a shot at a fraction of that fan base when selling a relatively niche line of toys, and it's our job to do our best to inspire that small fraction to commit to buying these figures, maybe even bust past that small fraction if we're lucky. (All of this is just an example and not truly that black and white, but it gives you the general idea.)

3. The Zeitgeist. For whatever reason, there is always that weird "something in the air" that causes a sudden fan fever out of nowhere. Part of our job is trying to detect that and strike while the iron is hot. Take Golden Girls for example. For whatever reason, Betty White is a massive celebrity with the Millennials (just look up the campaign that was launched to get her to host SNL), and Golden Girls is still running in syndication to this day, with a pretty high viewership. Also, the idea of Golden Girls figures is just funny to us and we think it'll be funny to buyers as well. So when you're left scratching your head on a license we choose, believe me, there's a reason we've chosen it.

4. Us making one particular line doesn't mean that the one you were hoping for got "bumped off the list". Battlestar Galactica didn't get bumped because of Golden Girls. Even if we weren't doing Golden Girls, BSG still would have been put on the back burner, for many various reasons.

Hope that all helps shed some light on why we make the decisions we make. Also, keep in mind that it's not an exact science. Nothing we work on is a sure thing, but we do our best to give the most people what they want. A lot of that first year of ReAction was sort of a "grand experiment". We were seeing what works, what doesn't work, which in-demand license actually translated into sales, what was the most fun, etc.

We are dedicated to making ReAction the best it can be and we're putting a lot of thought into what we are doing. The Dark Crystal figures alone should be evidence of that.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:53 pm

Otter wrote:Are there more Dark Crystal images beyond the landstrider?

The landstrider that we saw on Toyark last week looks so much more refined than the unproduced figures from Aviva. Will this be the case for the Skeksis and Mystics also?

I can see this being the next line I have to have.

There aren't any images of the other figures ready to release just yet. You can see some pics of early outputs in the interview Nneenna and I did with Action Figure Insider.

Yes, all of the figures will be much more refined. I've heard a couple of people complaining that we didn't make the figures from the original molds, but one thing we've learned is that today's collectors, with more modern sensibilities, seem to prefer a little more life breathed into their figures. Also, we talked quite a bit with Tim Clarke, one of the original sculptors on the old Aviva line, and he strongly encouraged us to take the figures further.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:57 pm

RyDell wrote:Hello,
I am new to this page although I do have a few Reaction figs (Alien, Predators, new Super7 MOTU) I saw the story on the Dark Crystal figs and got very excited, also seeing that you are to create Conan figures is very cool. I did not review all 41 pages here, so this may have already been answered, but any chance of doing BeastMaster figures or possibly Stargate from the original movies?

Oh man! I wish! I've been a massive Beastmaster fan since I was 8 years old. Sadly, no plans for either of those. But I bring up Beastmaster in creative meetings about once every three months. Wish me luck!
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby RyDell » Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:58 pm

Keep working it! How about Willow? I know it's a Lucas property, but I could definitely use those figs in my collection as well! I know someone else mentioned Planet of the Apes. I would much rather collect a 4 inch version of these figs rather than the 6 inch, any chance? Overall, I really love the ReAction figs, great concept. Best of luck and I am so looking forward to Dark Crystal!!!

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Vivek » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:19 am

ReisOBrien wrote:
bgiles73 wrote:Hi Reis, I'm trying to formulate a question that makes sense, so bear with me. Ok, here goes, "Lately, it seems as Reaction has been scaled back a lot of the retro- properties I and a lot of other posters here and all over the web are passionate about are now off the table, i.e. V, Battlestar Galactica, Magnum PI, The X-Files, etc. Does the fact that they have been canceled mean they are off the table for good or just in 2016? Could these ideas maybe return in 2017? Could X- Files maybe show up in the 9 POA action figure line alongside Game of Thrones, since it's a 90's property that has been resurrected? I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around other retro properties besides Conan and The Dark Crystal that might equate to large sales other than the properties that have been enquired about and already shot down. Am I just missing any 80's properties that might be a hit? As always, thanks for your hard work and feedback. That Dark Crystal line looks great by the way!

As long as we own the license for something, nothing is ever truly and completely off the list. But when we say that something has been cancelled, it just means that we don't have any plans for it at this time. We may in the future, then again, we may never. Sorry you're having such a hard time, but we have to take 100 different factors into account when deciding whether or not to pour tens of thousands of dollars into developing a toy line.

Here's a few things to keep in mind:

1. Yes, you may be hearing a "ton of people" saying they want X ReAction figures, but that's because you're traveling in that particular circle. Of course everyone on the X fan forum say they want figures, they're X fans! And they've gathered all in one relatively small space. This is often called "selection bias". We do pay attention to those outlets, but we also have to look at the bigger picture. For example, I'm a massive Dukes of Hazzard fan and I'd love nothing more than to make every single character on that show in ReAction form, including a Boar's Nest playset and a General Lee. But I also know that as a whole, the toy buying fan base for that show just isn't that huge, although sometimes I feel like it is when I spend too much time chatting with my Dukes homies.

2. Just because something has a huge fan base, doesn't mean that it's a "toy buying" fan base. Look at it like this; Let's say X movie has 100,000 fans in the US. Almost 20 years of being in the collectibles business has shown us that only about 20% of that fan base are interested in buying collectibles based on X. That's 20,000 people. And out of that 20,000, we've learned that only about 50% are interested in buying toys based on X (the others stick with t-shirts, coffee mugs, framed art, etc.). That leaves us with 10,000, our target demographic. Out of that 10,000 only about half of them are interested in retro-styled figures based on X. That leaves us 5,0000. And then there's always 100 different reasons why any one of those 5,000 people may choose to buy the figures or not buy them. Maybe they don't have the money at that time, or the packaging wasn't how they imagined it would be, or whatever. So you see, even when it's a "big" license, we still only have a shot at a fraction of that fan base when selling a relatively niche line of toys, and it's our job to do our best to inspire that small fraction to commit to buying these figures, maybe even bust past that small fraction if we're lucky. (All of this is just an example and not truly that black and white, but it gives you the general idea.)

3. The Zeitgeist. For whatever reason, there is always that weird "something in the air" that causes a sudden fan fever out of nowhere. Part of our job is trying to detect that and strike while the iron is hot. Take Golden Girls for example. For whatever reason, Betty White is a massive celebrity with the Millennials (just look up the campaign that was launched to get her to host SNL), and Golden Girls is still running in syndication to this day, with a pretty high viewership. Also, the idea of Golden Girls figures is just funny to us and we think it'll be funny to buyers as well. So when you're left scratching your head on a license we choose, believe me, there's a reason we've chosen it.

4. Us making one particular line doesn't mean that the one you were hoping for got "bumped off the list". Battlestar Galactica didn't get bumped because of Golden Girls. Even if we weren't doing Golden Girls, BSG still would have been put on the back burner, for many various reasons.

Hope that all helps shed some light on why we make the decisions we make. Also, keep in mind that it's not an exact science. Nothing we work on is a sure thing, but we do our best to give the most people what they want. A lot of that first year of ReAction was sort of a "grand experiment". We were seeing what works, what doesn't work, which in-demand license actually translated into sales, what was the most fun, etc.

We are dedicated to making ReAction the best it can be and we're putting a lot of thought into what we are doing. The Dark Crystal figures alone should be evidence of that.

This needs to be a sticky. Reis, thanks for breaking it all down.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby bgiles73 » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:55 am

Yes Reis. Thanks for that explanation of what's up. I'm not really having a hard time accepting that some of these are off the table. "V" I accepted a long time ago will probably never happen. I'm just having a rough time thinking of 70s and 80s properties that might still be feasible as Reaction figures. I hope the well isn't drying up as I really dig the concept. I don't want to come off as someone ungrateful for what y'all do. I have the highest respect for you Reis and all of the Funko team. Thanks again for taking the time to break it down to us.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby LandoInDisguise » Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:32 am

Hi Reis, is there any chance we might see a continuation of the Indiana Jones line by Kenner, now that there's a new movie announced?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Otter » Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:23 am

ReisOBrien wrote:Yes, all of the figures will be much more refined. I've heard a couple of people complaining that we didn't make the figures from the original molds, but one thing we've learned is that today's collectors, with more modern sensibilities, seem to prefer a little more life breathed into their figures. Also, we talked quite a bit with Tim Clarke, one of the original sculptors on the old Aviva line, and he strongly encouraged us to take the figures further.

I think that is a wise move, and I applaud it. I can't wait to see more.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Cosmic_Cow » Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:08 pm

LandoInDisguise wrote:Hi Reis, is there any chance we might see a continuation of the Indiana Jones line by Kenner, now that there's a new movie announced?

I doubt it. You'd see Hasbro do it if anything and with the poor sales of the KOTCS stuff, I doubt that would even happen. Sad though, as Indy is one of the biggest lines I collect.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby CRM » Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:32 pm

Sorry to hear that the TOS Trek did not sell, I am curious on three points why did you select Vina as an Orion ?

Second are the eyeglasses on the Big Bang SDCC Trek figures are molded on, or if they will come off ( need to make a Chapel and Rand), and lastly did you make new molds for them the figures seem different that the existing trek figures?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby DarthScooby » Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:17 pm

CRM wrote:Sorry to hear that the TOS Trek did not sell, I am curious on three points why did you select Vina as an Orion ?

Second are the eyeglasses on the Big Bang SDCC Trek figures are molded on, or if they will come off ( need to make a Chapel and Rand), and lastly did you make new molds for them the figures seem different that the existing trek figures?

Funko didn't make the Big Bang Theory Star Trek SDCC exclusives. Those will be made by Biff Bang Pow, and will be sold on
Biff Bang Pow also made the regular Big Bang Theory 3.75" figures (in their more traditional tv show attires), and those seem to be the same molds being used for the Star Trek Big Bang Theory figures.

I have messed with some regular Biff Bang Pow Big Bang Theory figures before, and I can tell you, the glasses are molded on.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby CRM » Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:45 am

DarthScooby wrote:
CRM wrote:Sorry to hear that the TOS Trek did not sell, I am curious on three points why did you select Vina as an Orion ?

Second are the eyeglasses on the Big Bang SDCC Trek figures are molded on, or if they will come off ( need to make a Chapel and Rand), and lastly did you make new molds for them the figures seem different that the existing trek figures?

Funko didn't make the Big Bang Theory Star Trek SDCC exclusives. Those will be made by Biff Bang Pow, and will be sold on
Biff Bang Pow also made the regular Big Bang Theory 3.75" figures (in their more traditional tv show attires), and those seem to be the same molds being used for the Star Trek Big Bang Theory figures.

I have messed with some regular Biff Bang Pow Big Bang Theory figures before, and I can tell you, the glasses are molded on.

Thanks I just assumed ... thanks for the info.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Terminator fan 101 » Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:06 pm

Reis, has any mention of Westworld come up in meetings? With the new show just about to air, and if its a big enough hit ratings wise, would Funko consider bringing the classic movie into ReAction?

Also you mention Beastmaster. Is it up there with Conan the Barbarian in terms of following? As i've never heard of it until it was mentioned here. What other Sword and Sorcery movies are up there with both aforementioned titles you'd recommend?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:27 pm

LandoInDisguise wrote:Hi Reis, is there any chance we might see a continuation of the Indiana Jones line by Kenner, now that there's a new movie announced?

Nope. Hasbro owns the rights to Indiana Jones.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:30 pm

CRM wrote:Sorry to hear that the TOS Trek did not sell, I am curious on three points why did you select Vina as an Orion ?

Second are the eyeglasses on the Big Bang SDCC Trek figures are molded on, or if they will come off ( need to make a Chapel and Rand), and lastly did you make new molds for them the figures seem different that the existing trek figures?

I think we just liked the look of Vina the best. We were just trying to find the one that would make a cool action figure.

Big Bang figures are by Bif Bang Pow, not us.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:33 pm

Terminator fan 101 wrote:Reis, has any mention of Westworld come up in meetings? With the new show just about to air, and if its a big enough hit ratings wise, would Funko consider bringing the classic movie into ReAction?

Also you mention Beastmaster. Is it up there with Conan the Barbarian in terms of following? As i've never heard of it until it was mentioned here. What other Sword and Sorcery movies are up there with both aforementioned titles you'd recommend?

No plans for Westworld.

And in the world of fantasy movies, nothing really stacks up to Conan the Barbarian as far as collectability goes. I personally love Beastmaster like a fat kid loves cake, but I know that figures of it would never sell.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby tlasjr » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:41 am

I know previously you had replied that there was no chance of DC figures in the 9 POA line (still no name yet?). Are the Suicide Squad figures exempted from that because they are not retail and could we see more either at retail or as exclusives?

And happy 4th of July all.

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby the_Archivist » Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:14 pm

And as follow up questions
Will those 2 figures be offered in some other way?
Will there be more action figures offered in these mystery box things?
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:43 pm

tlasjr wrote:I know previously you had replied that there was no chance of DC figures in the 9 POA line (still no name yet?). Are the Suicide Squad figures exempted from that because they are not retail and could we see more either at retail or as exclusives?

And happy 4th of July all.

Yes, there's a bit of a loophole there since the sub boxes are considered "direct market". We still can't sell DC figures at retail.

And we don't plan on naming the 9POA line. They're just action figures and have the freedom to change in style, detail, etc.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:44 pm

the_Archivist wrote:And as follow up questions
Will those 2 figures be offered in some other way?
Will there be more action figures offered in these mystery box things?

No, only in the boxes.
Yes. But not necessarily in that particular style.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby kassle » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:09 pm

Any hints as to what...areas of Westeros you guys are considering for a potential Wave 2 of GoT 9POA?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby StarTourist » Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:44 am

Hi Reis, I'm new here. I collect the Reaction figures based on Disney franchises. I was wondering:

A) Do you have any info on series 2 for Nightmare Before Christmas?

B) Is there a chance you guys would do figures from The Black Hole? I remember that being an April Fools Day joke a while back, but I would love them as the originals are extremely expensive to get.

C) Any chance for a classic Tron?

Thank you!

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby the_Archivist » Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:33 am

ReisOBrien wrote:
tlasjr wrote:I know previously you had replied that there was no chance of DC figures in the 9 POA line (still no name yet?). Are the Suicide Squad figures exempted from that because they are not retail and could we see more either at retail or as exclusives?

And happy 4th of July all.

Yes, there's a bit of a loophole there since the sub boxes are considered "direct market". We still can't sell DC figures at retail.

And we don't plan on naming the 9POA line. They're just action figures and have the freedom to change in style, detail, etc.
the_Archivist wrote:
And as follow up questions
Will those 2 figures be offered in some other way?
Will there be more action figures offered in these mystery box things?

No, only in the boxes.
Yes. But not necessarily in that particular style.

Okay that is an interesting situation. Does that only apply to the DC property? Because you also have Star Wars/Marvel/etc...
Also as someone that only collects action figures in the 1:18 scale, is there a way we could get a heads up when an action figure will be present in one of the boxes? I know some of the allure around these things is that they are a "mystery" so I'm not asking to disclose what action figure or even the style (Action figure/ReAction/Legacy) anything like that just a heads up that one will be present. I would rather give you guys money rather than resort to trying to pick them up off the secondary market but I have no intention on buying something when nothing inside interests me.

btw Those Suicide Squad figures are really great and I picked up a set off eBay.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:35 pm

kassle wrote:Any hints as to what...areas of Westeros you guys are considering for a potential Wave 2 of GoT 9POA?

Either King's Landing or Meereen.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:37 pm

StarTourist wrote:Hi Reis, I'm new here. I collect the Reaction figures based on Disney franchises. I was wondering:

A) Do you have any info on series 2 for Nightmare Before Christmas?

B) Is there a chance you guys would do figures from The Black Hole? I remember that being an April Fools Day joke a while back, but I would love them as the originals are extremely expensive to get.

C) Any chance for a classic Tron?

Thank you!

A) They're almost done and they are some of the most beautiful ReAction figures we've ever made!

B) We talked about doing the Black Hole in ReAction form, but there's no solid plans for it at this time. But who knows what the future may hold.

C) It's in the same boat as Black Hole.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:46 pm

the_Archivist wrote:
ReisOBrien wrote:
tlasjr wrote:I know previously you had replied that there was no chance of DC figures in the 9 POA line (still no name yet?). Are the Suicide Squad figures exempted from that because they are not retail and could we see more either at retail or as exclusives?

And happy 4th of July all.

Yes, there's a bit of a loophole there since the sub boxes are considered "direct market". We still can't sell DC figures at retail.

And we don't plan on naming the 9POA line. They're just action figures and have the freedom to change in style, detail, etc.
the_Archivist wrote:
And as follow up questions
Will those 2 figures be offered in some other way?
Will there be more action figures offered in these mystery box things?

No, only in the boxes.
Yes. But not necessarily in that particular style.

Okay that is an interesting situation. Does that only apply to the DC property? Because you also have Star Wars/Marvel/etc...
Also as someone that only collects action figures in the 1:18 scale, is there a way we could get a heads up when an action figure will be present in one of the boxes? I know some of the allure around these things is that they are a "mystery" so I'm not asking to disclose what action figure or even the style (Action figure/ReAction/Legacy) anything like that just a heads up that one will be present. I would rather give you guys money rather than resort to trying to pick them up off the secondary market but I have no intention on buying something when nothing inside interests me.

btw Those Suicide Squad figures are really great and I picked up a set off eBay.

Yes, this only applies to our contract with DC/Warner Bros.

Unfortunately, I think the practice of giving too many hints would end up being a bigger problem for us in the long run.
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby StarTourist » Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:48 pm

ReisOBrien wrote:
StarTourist wrote:Hi Reis, I'm new here. I collect the Reaction figures based on Disney franchises. I was wondering:

A) Do you have any info on series 2 for Nightmare Before Christmas?

B) Is there a chance you guys would do figures from The Black Hole? I remember that being an April Fools Day joke a while back, but I would love them as the originals are extremely expensive to get.

C) Any chance for a classic Tron?

Thank you!

A) They're almost done and they are some of the most beautiful ReAction figures we've ever made!

B) We talked about doing the Black Hole in ReAction form, but there's no solid plans for it at this time. But who knows what the future may hold.

C) It's in the same boat as Black Hole.

Thanks. Might we see the NBC figures at SDCC?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby ReisOBrien » Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:35 pm

StarTourist wrote:
ReisOBrien wrote:
StarTourist wrote:Hi Reis, I'm new here. I collect the Reaction figures based on Disney franchises. I was wondering:

A) Do you have any info on series 2 for Nightmare Before Christmas?

B) Is there a chance you guys would do figures from The Black Hole? I remember that being an April Fools Day joke a while back, but I would love them as the originals are extremely expensive to get.

C) Any chance for a classic Tron?

Thank you!

A) They're almost done and they are some of the most beautiful ReAction figures we've ever made!

B) We talked about doing the Black Hole in ReAction form, but there's no solid plans for it at this time. But who knows what the future may hold.

C) It's in the same boat as Black Hole.

Thanks. Might we see the NBC figures at SDCC?

Nope. Sorry. They're not that close to being done. :)
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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby kassle » Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:57 pm

ReisOBrien wrote:
kassle wrote:Any hints as to what...areas of Westeros you guys are considering for a potential Wave 2 of GoT 9POA?

Either King's Landing or Meereen.

Amazing! I will admit a preference toward King's Landing because it's what everything centers around and leads to (plus - Iron Throne!), but both are awesome!!!

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby Jocelyn » Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:10 pm

I'm also for King's Landing! And I am wondering, where are we most likely to find the GoT 9PoA figures? Over the weekend I checked my two local comic stores, Barnes' and Noble, and FYE but haven't found them. Is buying them online going to be the main option for most people?

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Re: Your ReAction Questions Answered Here!

Postby DarthScooby » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:33 pm

I agree! Kings Landing should totally be the theme of the next wave. 8 to 9 figures, and a playset, much like the wall, but of the Iron Throne with the steps leading up to it, and a wall behind it with the window and seven pointed star

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