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Ideas for Future Horror Mystery Minis

Great things come in mysterious miniature or pint sized packages, but which great thing will it be? It's all a mystery until you open one. Then the fun begins.
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Ideas for Future Horror Mystery Minis

Postby HorrorFanatic » Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:31 pm

With so many people i expected to be in series 2 being left out and with many surprising inclusions such as classics like Frankenstein's Monster and The Creature from the Black Lagoon, here is a list of who'm i think should be included in future sets:

- The Candyman (Candyman)
- Carrie (Carrie)
- Samara (The Ring)
- Jack Torrance (The Shining)
- Regan (The Exorcist)
- Toshio (The Grudge)
- Tangina (Poltergeist)
- Damien (The Omen)
- Mr.Boogie (Sinister)
- Pumpkinhead (Pumpkinhead)
- Leprechaun (The Leprechaun)
- Deadite (Army of Darkness)
- The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers)
- Gizmo (Gremlins)
- Tiffany (Bride of Chucky)
- Jigsaw (Saw)
- Dr Decker (Nightbreed)
- The Babadook (The Babadook)
- Annabelle (Annabelle / The Conjuring)
- Hanson (Scary Movie 2)
- Mama (Mama)
- Zombie Clown (Zombieland)
- Anarchist (The Purge)
- Toothfairy (Cabin in the Woods)
- Sweeney Todd (Sweeney Todd)
- The Thing - in any form (The Thing)
- Spawn (Spawn) - this apparently classifies as "Horror"
- Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
- Nurse (Silent Hill)
- Billy (Dead Silence)
- Clown (Killer clowns from outer space)
- Herzog (Dead Snow)
- The Toxic Avenger (The Toxic Avenger)
- Audrey the plant (Little shop of Horrors)
- Slender Man - Why not XD
- Creatures from Five nights at Freddie's

And then some classics:

- The Invisible Man
- The Mummy
- The Phantom of the Opera
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- Dracula
- Quasimodo
- Headless Horseman
- Bride of Frankenstein

What do you guys think ? Any good ones iv'e missed off ?

Posts: 110
Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:32 am

Re: Ideas for Future Horror Mystery Minis

Postby ZartansBro » Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:26 am

I really like your list. Only things I can think to add are the following:

Wolfman (classic)
Mole Person (The Mole People)
Norman Bates (Psycho)
The Miner (My Bloody Valentine)
Bub (Day of the Dead)
Annie Wilkes (Misery)
Aaliyah (Queen of the Damned)
Crite (Critters)
Grant (Slither)
Evil Ash Deadite (Army of Darkness)
Dracula (Oldman)
Frankenstein (De Niro)
Mummy (Vosloo)

Some of these are musts in my mind, and others are ones where if we get them I'd be shocked (in a good way, mind you).
Wanted Minis: Stone Zuul/Terror Dog, Grady Twins, Scarred Chucky, GITD Pennywise, Zombie Ed, Guitar Crow, B&W Alfred Hitchcock, Spider Leg Pennywise, Henry Bowers, FYE Eddie, FYE Beverly, HT Bill, HT Ben

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Re: Ideas for Future Horror Mystery Minis

Postby MM1000 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:49 pm

I'd also like to see:

Otis (Devils rejects)
Buffalo bill (silence of the lambs)
Dr loomis (halloween)
Jason x
Plus different variations of Michael Myers, jason, freddy etc.

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Joined: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:00 pm
Location: Henderson, CO

Re: Ideas for Future Horror Mystery Minis

Postby zoomfactor32 » Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:59 am

Lots of good suggestions! I think my top wants right now are the rest of the Universal Monsters. The Creature and Frankenstein look great! It'd awesome to have the rest of the crew to go along with them.

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