Sarcasticguy wrote:Wild Bill is definitely a legend around here. It's sad that his store couldn't stay open.
Great pick up though, I love Hikari and wish the line was still alive.
Definitely, miss that store but his memory lives on! I have some Wild bills wobblers ill post some pics soon!
MasterSplyntr wrote:Great picture and thanks for sharing! I never got to see Wild Bill's in person but the pictures and stories here are incredible. Bummed I missed it.
Thanks! it was a real experience going! such a shame that it had to close
divade23 wrote:I have one Hikari too. Green Grunge Groot from ECCC Le 100. Love him.
Cool! seems like " I have one Hikari" seems to be the theme
YeetGrimes wrote:Dang, that's a nice one! I didn't even know there were Marvel Hikari. I used to have a Creature From the black Lagoon Hikari but solf him since he didn't really fit my collection.
I've considered selling mine as well bc he's pretty much the only marvel I have in my collections but its a memento from Wils Bill's so I keep him!
mongoose12 wrote:such a great piece, i have one also....makes me want more

I would definitely have at least a few of these but they're so expensive!
renardchua wrote:Great Hikari, but an even greater photo! Nice shot!

Thank you!
KidMarvel wrote:What a nice piece you have! I love Hikaris and mainly have Spideys, Captain America and Ironman from Marvel! Space consuming in tiny Singapore, but they look good!
True I wish they were more affordable!