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Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got a spring. Come inside and chat about Funko Wacky Wobblers (bobble heads, for the less sophisticated).
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Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby Scotty » Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:03 pm

UPDATE #3: This is a Huckleberry Hound update. For me, it doesn't get much better that that. There are only 6 new pictures - marked **NEW3**. Enjoy! (Sep 2020)

UPDATE #2: Funko Sodas have arrived. I think this is an awesome line! I limited the number of figures to whatever fit nicely in the chosen space. Otherwise, I could have bought all of them. There are only 5 new pictures - marked ***NEW2*** Thanks for checking in. (May 2020)

UPDATE #1: 2019 ended pretty well for me; through hunting and Christmas, I've completed my Wacky Wobbler collection (for now) and added a few other pieces, as well. If you just want to look for the new photos, scroll through the post and look for **NEW**. I've changed a couple of photos to better show some pieces and added a little bit of commentary, as well. (Jan 2020)


Strap in folks. This is a long and winding road. The problem is, sometimes you just can’t keep everything. Three years ago, my wife and I built our retirement home. With a new space comes tough choices. First issue was how much space did I have for my Funko. :eek: In the end, we agreed, my den was my only display space. In my last house, in addition to my den, I had five Ikea Billy cabinets full of Funko in the basement and some shelves on the wall. Uh oh. At least it’s a really big den.

Before the move, I had accumulated over 1200 pieces of Funko: 500+ Wobblers, 100+ mini-Wobblers, 80+ banks/cars/bigs, 130 Spastik & Fantastik Plastik, 125+ PoP, 35+ Funko Force, 140+ misc vinyl (Hikari, Vynl, Vinyl Idolz, Nodniks, Funkovision, Dorbz, vinyl, and Mystery Minis), and 50+ protos. And that didn’t include the 1,000+ pieces in my wife’s collection.

As I write this, my collection nearly complete, I have 673 pieces of Funko (698 with the updates)—all in my den, all on display. It took me over a year to pick the pieces that had to stay. Perhaps the hardest task was going from 67 Freddy Wobblers down to 39 (of the 7” variety). But, I guess no harder than having to say goodbye to my Spastik Plastik—everything except the Monkey vs. Robot collection. My wife thought it was pretty funny how pieces kept moving from my den to the “let it go” pile and then back to the den. Bottomline: if it made me smile or brought up a good memory, it stayed. Some pieces I kept just because of who gave them to me.

And here, without fanfare—but certainly with an abundance of words—is what my collection looks like now.

This is what the den looks like. I call it a den, some might call it a toy room.



These are the display areas.

***NEW2*** Bookcase next to my desk (left).

Front shot of same bookcase.

**NEW3** TV wall across from red leather chair.
(Point of Interest: that HB trash can is from 1961.)

Ikea Billy cases at far end of room.

Along the right wall.

**NEW3** Bookcase on right wall.

Corner area next to my desk (right)

Now I’ll take you around the room in more detail.

If it had anything to do with Hanna-Barbera, especially good ol’ Huck, it was staying put. I don’t really collect PoP anymore, but these Hucks are representing. I really like a lot of the PoP lines, but I just don't have the room anymore.


Here are the first 14 of the 39 Freddy’s that made the cut. Some might question that bottom-right choice, the original Fun Klub
Freddy. He had the largest run (2500) of all the Freddy Wobblers, but that classic form, holding a Funko sign—winner. He was the first Freddy to lead the way for all the others and was an easy choice.




I had more Freddy banks, but these were the only two that really spoke to me. I even had the Spidey proto, but I gifted that to a Funatic long ago; I think he needed just that one to complete the set and it felt like it belonged there more than with me. As you’ll see a bit later in this looooong write-up, I was the recipient of a lot of generosity; I’ve tried to pay it forward as much as I could.

If you look closely, you’ll see a Star Wars PoP behind Capn’ Crunch—it’s a custom GITD Yoda made by Dan (MrPunch000)—he made the box, too. He surprised a group of us with these as gifts at a Funatic gathering at Wild Bill’s in 2014 (more on that later). Dan was a really talented custom maker. I no longer have any Star Wars PoP (at a certain period, I had them all), but that GITD Yoda is important because it reminds me of Dan and Missy (and, no, that’s not it’s permanent spot; I’m still rearranging).

**NEW** I did do some rearranging and now Dan's Yoda is properly displayed on its own shelf.



These next two pictures are my favorite display areas. All those smiles; all those childhood memories. The HB Wobblers, specifically, are why I started collecting Funko.




The Cap statue symbolizes all that’s evil with collecting :devil: I am a big Marvel fan—the movies, at least—but not a PoP collector nor a Marvel collector and yet I couldn’t resist signing up for the 1st year of Funko’s Collector Corps. Everything is gone except my Captain America trophy 8-[

The HB Nodniks, below, are the only ones I kept. Another old-school line with great card art; and they're mini-bobbleheads, too. Secret Squirrel's sidekick, Morocco Mole, has gone missing, but I'm sure he'll turn up sooner or later.


***NEW2*** Here are the new stars of the show. I love these guys. If I know Brian at all, there are more Huck color variants in our future. I'm not sure where I'll put them, but Huck is the exception to any limited space rule.



Those were all pics from the bookcase next to my desk. Speaking of my desk, these are the few pieces that hang out there.

***NEW2*** New to my desk is, for me, the coolest Funko Soda of the bunch - BATFINK. This extremely obscure character from my cartoon past is simply fantastic. Someone at Funko, probably 58-65 years old, hit a grand slam with this creative choice. Maybe Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse will show up one day.


Point of interest: The three, small HB figures in the boxes, above, are Tinykins. They were made by Marx in 1961; they have a Disney line as well. They were hand-painted figures and are very affordable if you're not looking for well conditioned boxes. Tons of them on ebay.


In case you were wondering, that mini-Huck is not the one from the cereal box I have on display—the cereal box is unopened. I bought a second box so I could get a Huck for display. Yup, it’s a sickness…but you already know that.

Here’s the stuff on my TV wall. With very limited clear wall space, picking things to hang up is another challenge, all it's own. I really liked the idea of box art being hung as art--Funko's Wobbler boxes were simply the best.


I have both of the clocks, but Freddy on a rocket is one of my favorite Funko images.



**NEW3** I’m clearly an out-of-the-box collector, but as I've already said, I really love the Funko boxes. Whereas my guys need to roam free--enter Vynl, stage left. I love these two-packs, and it just seemed right to display them in the box. Go figure. I have five sets and they’re all in the box. Although, I have been toying with the idea of removing the windows so I can see the figures better, but then I'd lose the stickers. lol


**NEW3** When collecting anything, it's important to never say never. I had pretty much given up on getting the LE24 Huck Dorbz, but patience won out. I'm very happy to now be Huck Dorbz complete!


**NEW3** My Hikari collection is very focused. The Hikari line has some of the most beautiful looking pieces, but at their price point, they are not meant to be collected like PoP or Wobblers. No surprises to find Huck here. I love having a completely different mold for my little blue friend. Behind the Hucks are my only Vinyl Idolz. I think the Vinyl Idolz line is lots of fun, but didn't feel compelled to buy any until the 66 series Batman figures showed up--Funko left me no choice.


**NEW3** Gigantor was a childhood favorite--best cartoon theme music ever--so, had to get some Gigantor Hikari. I didn't watch Astro Boy as a kid, but the Hikari were too cool to walk away from; although, I did have to thin them out a little to make room for the Huck Dorbz to take over the top shelf. Originally, I made the tough choice to pull all my Spastik Plastik out of my collection, but I did select five pieces to serve as ambassadors to a great Funko line.


Now we move over to the Billy cases that used to be in in the basement of my previous house. I could only fit three of the five in my den. Choices, choices.

On top of the cases are my Funkovisions. I loved the idea of these and especially was happy that a few of them had their own characters not represented in any other lines (like Peter Potamus and So-so)





When I was originally offered this colorful set of Lil’ Gruesomes, I wasn’t interested. I loved the Flintstones, but really didn’t like it when the Gruesomes came to visit—I thought they were pretty annoying. My wife pushed me to buy these and, now, I can’t imagine not having them. Some sets are just so cool. Of course, I am missing one, the "John Deere" Lil' Gruesome, so nicknamed because of his green color. This set, like many pieces in my collection, brings Pete (Poncho Pete) to mind. He helped me score a lot of cool Funko.


Colorful robots are a beautiful thing. I was a huge fan of Lost in Space and the B9. I was not a big fan of the the movie Forbidden Planet, but Robby sure makes for a great looking Wobbler. Interestingly, Robby the Robot appeared in several more movies and TV shows; he even appeared in Lost in Space where he and B9 duke it out.



The two Wobblers at the top-left are Wild Bill Wobblers—made in his own image. I bought these from the man, himself, when we gathered at his store for UFO ’14 (Unnamed Funatic Outing). I didn’t have any aspiration to collecting these until I met him. Now that he’s passed, they mean that much more to me. Bill was a friendly, eccentric, and kind man. This thread explains the UFO - viewtopic.php?f=65&t=47165&hilit=ufo+wild+bill


Five KFC Colonels. Really? I had these in the “let it go” pile at least twice, but in the end I couldn’t do it. I’m not even particularly fond of the actual Wobbler, it’s just the history of it and a near impossible set to acquire. Check out this thread if you’re interested:


The Funny Faces make me think of Ron (glowfunkofreak). I started collecting when he was hunting for his last one or two of them. His excitement turned into my excitement, and you know how the rest of that goes. The cups in the middle row are original Funny Face merchandise released in the 70's.



I decided rather late in my collecting that I wanted the cereal car trio. I could have had them easily had I wanted them early on. Chuck’s Comics in Essex, MD had all three for $25 each. As you can see, Frankenberry currently eludes me, but that’s actually a good thing. It gives me something to hunt for (and I don’t mean paying over $100 on ebay). And the hunt continues.

**NEW** The hunt is now over. Frankeberry arrived in his hot rod from ebay (and at a great price point :cheers: )


These gems were part of the SDCC 2004 Supermarket Funko Booth. You should search for photos for this year—it was a really cool display.


Here’s what was in the cans.



Though Lost in Space was my first Sci-Fi fandom, Star Trek was my favorite Sci-Fi right from the start, though I didn't start watching it until 1968 during its 3rd and final season. The blue base Wobblers were the chases. The regular, main 4 characters are by themselves on a different shelf.


The Sleestak collection was heavily influenced by Dave (kroffty) — at least that’s who I think of when I look at them. I was not a huge fan of Land of the Lost, though I did watch the show enough as a kid. But kroffty’s love for all things Sid and Marty Krofft was a bit infectious back in the day. What hooked me was when I saw the pink, purple, and blue Sleestak banks. Plus it was another great looking set when all assembled. Gotta have the Sleestaks.


Image Image

The top shelf, below, is a complete set of Funko’s Bobble Breeze line. I loved the card art, but I just didn’t have the display room to properly display them in the packages. I bought two of the protos from Pete and Bear; and then they both gifted me a second proto. And Josh (shogunjlips) gifted me the Florida Gator in the bubblepack. If you haven’t caught on, it really does take a Funatic village to build a great collection. The three University Bobble Breezes you see in the back on the right, still in their packaging, were prototypes--Wisconsin Badgers, Florida Gators, and Ohio State Buckeyes. Those pieces were never released for retail sale.


That is, indeed, an LE3 blue Huck pez (second row)—but it’s actually not mine. It belongs to my wife, but as she doesn’t collect any more and it was an incredible gift from Carol, we’ve parked it where it belongs :rolleyes: amongst its own kind—and I get to pretend it’s mine. Three elusive Hucks evade my grasp—but I am truly happy for the Hucks I have. Obviously, I’m a major fan of the Huckster. That front row of color Hucks are the answer to the question: “what Funko would you grab if your house was on fire and you could only grab a few pieces.”


Now on to the cereals. Hmm, there’s another Wobbler that belongs to my wife. Another incredible gift from Jim (FunkoFanJim), the Boo Berry swirl (LE6). Oh well, guess I’ll have to keep it safe for her. :-" It’s hard to tell from this photo, but this guy has a few colors swirled in. If you’re not familiar, here’s a post from Brian - viewtopic.php?p=353691#p353691

At the top-left you’ll see (imo) one of the uglier Wobblers: Boss Moss. There are actually two color variants: GITD and orange. Why? I never ate Freakies cereal, either. So why is it in my collection? Because kroffty gifted it to me when I was on the mad hunt for cereal wobblers.


Cereals are a fan favorite, which is why Funko made so many of them. As a kid, the cereal ad characters were as fun and meaningful as regular cartoon characters. The gold-based trio were the Wobblers that came in those cool boxes (Here’s a post that explains a bit about the boxes - viewtopic.php?p=686591#p686591) Fun fact: the GITD Lucky Charms does NOT glow in the dark; the factory forgot to add the glow additive to the entire run, and no more were made. lol



The metallic Great Grape Ape (LE24) is my favorite metallic in the Funko-verse; the picture doesn’t do it justice.


That Huck Funko Force set is pretty special. It’s likely the only set that exists, complete with protos. And the red, white & blue Huck, 2nd from the left was a gift from Jacob (Reverend)—at the time I only had the regular, light blue Huck. It was pretty early in my collecting days and was the first time someone just sent me something as a gift--and it's an LE12. Still brings a smile to my face.


I wasn't a big fan of Funko Force, but HB all the way. I only collected the specials to save space; except for Wally Gator--I had the regular version as a place holder while I hunted for the GITD version. It took me so long to find the GITD Wally that I just kept both.


The ladies on the left made the cut, but not initially. I went back and forth a lot on these, but in the end, the Betty Boops represent the other 20 Boops I had that made up a complete set (geez, was I a completist). It also worked out the Betty Boop Singers are shorter than most Wobblers and fit there perfectly. Marilyn, Audrey, and Grace represent my love of classic movies—in an off-handed way. All of them are a bit young compared to the movies I really like, but they were the closest thing in vinyl. Plus, I do like some of the movies they made: Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot, Audrey Hepburn in Charade, and Grace Kelly in High Society, comes to mind.


I’m not really a box variant collector, but I did hold on to a few. The Funko original Space Ace box came in two variations: one with a filled in “Space Ace” and one in outline. There were also three box variants for Dudley Do-right. They’re all in there—with the Wobbers.



My mini-Wobblers created a lot of angst for me. I had a LOT of them to include all the Freddy’s and most every rare mini made. And they're small, so you’d think they’d fit in somewhere. But there were a lot of them and they really didn’t. The space Freddy’s were always favorites of mine. And call me crazy, and I know they’re ad icons for Wherehouse Music, but I see a gaggle of Keebler elves and I just love those guys. I know they’re a bit different, but close enough for me :-k Why pick these over Freddy’s or other rarities? I’m nuts; that’s the only thing I can up with #-o The only other mini-Wobbler I kept was this little gold rarity (LE6) that Carol gave me one year for Christmas—her generosity over the years was incredible :angel7:


**NEW** Christmas also brought me The Fly--regular and chase. I'd been searching for both of these for quite some time - again, not willing to plunk down too much money on ebay. at the time of my original post, I had three Wacky Wobblers I was searching for. I wrote, "Without something to hunt for, does life have meaning?" Hmm. Now my hunting is done :eek: Well, I guess there are three LE3 pieces I'm missing ](*,)


The Wacky Races Fantastik Plastik make complete sense given they’re Hanna-Barbera—and in case you missed it, I have a thing for H-B. But that’s not the reason these remain in my collection. I didn’t even attempt to get them until after I was part of a special trip to Funko HQ in Everett, WA. It was just four of us and Brian—and for a most of the day. I learned quite a bit about Brian that day. Smart, funny, a big kid (like so many of us), driven, generous, and, I dare say, a toy visionary. Anyway, if I heard him correctly, when he assumed the reins at Funko, the first set he picked to make—of his own choosing—was the Wacky Racers. Note that they’re not Wobblers. Some might call that a clue lol So, these guys represent all that’s good about the second gen of Funko—Brian.

Next, is the big bookcase, obliquely to the right of my desk.

These are the remaining Freddys that made the cut. It’s hard to say which Freddy I like the most, but all things being equal, the bowler Freddy’s are just a crown above the rest.





That is, indeed, a wax proto. Never thought I’d actually have one. My second visit to the Funko Museum (really the business place of FunkoFanJim in Michigan), was to participate in a surprise birthday party for the big man himself. On the second day, I went by his office to see his collection, again. I had seen it the year before at FDO5, but the magnitude of his collection truly takes more than one visit to really “see” it. Jim and I were standing in front of a display case that had three wax protos. All I said was, “those are freakin’ amazing…one day.” And he opened the case, pulled out Popeye, and handed it to me. :eek: You can imagine my shock, but I told him I couldn’t take it, it was just too valuable a piece. His reply was that friendship was valuable and he wanted me to have it. (I know, right?) Well, you can imagine, every time I look at that piece it warms my heart.


After a lot of debating (with myself), I made the decision to part with my Spastik Plastik. ](*,) To say I was a bit obsessed with Spastik back in the day is an understatement. It was Jacob’s collection that caught my eye and led me down the Spastik path, and after I bought my first few pieces, I was hooked. Did I mention anywhere that I was a bit of a completist back then. Well, I had every piece that was produced and I was very content until we moved. I came up with several schemes to save the Spastik, but in the end I think I was more attracted to the hunt than the Spastik. Certain pieces I do love to this day: T-bone, Sam, Karl, Otto, and a couple others (I won’t be surprised if a few of those migrate back to the den—to represent--which they now have). Though they’re not really Spastik, the monkeys of the Wunderland War do speak to me—I love these guys. I did have to thin the MvsG herd a little to satisfy my organization OCD; I wanted them all to fit on the one shelf. As far as sets go, that’s one intense looking shelf.


***NEW2*** Have to do my best to keep as Huck complete as I can. This new addition commemorates the opening of the Hollywood store. Now I have a second reason to visit the west coast--the new HQ and Hollywood.


***NEW3*** Since I don't collect PoP!, I didn't plan on getting any 10-inch Pop! But then I thought, what kind of Huck completist would I be if I didn't. Voila! (I guess that means I have to start hunting the Mega Pop! Huck plush #-o)




This is the single most important set in my collection, my 20” Huck banks. Even if I exclude the proto, I believe this is the only complete set of Huck banks on the planet. Of course, Jim made this possible by selling me five of his. But the best story about this set involves the LE3 dark blue Huck (next to the proto).

Remember the trip I mentioned, above, about my visit to Funko HQ. The month or two before that visit, I was picked as Collector of the Month. Back in those days, COM winners received the green crystal Freddy Wobbler. I had purposely never bought one in hopes that one day I would earn one. Unfortunately, the COM before me (Pete), got the last one. Yes, I was a bit devastated :crybaby: but I survived (sniff, sniff). Okay, flash forward, back at Funko HQ, we were winding up our visit with Brian when he changed the conversation to having the most recent COM in the room. He knew they were out of the green Freddy, but he thought he had a solution that would meet with my approval. He walked over to one of his display shelves in his office and said he heard I was only one Huck bank away from a complete set, and with that, he picked up the blue Huck and presented it to me as my award for COM. Yeah, that was a moment. I, of course, protested that I couldn’t take his LE3 Huck, not when he was such a Huck guy too—but I don’t recall trying to hand it back to him either :rolleyes: Best Funko day ever!! It also tells you everything you need to know about Brian.


Here’s the rest of that bookcase.


**NEW** I'm PoP Huck complete, again, since Santa brought me Holiday Huck.



Hypno Eyes Cult Leader, aka Look Deep Into My Eyes Cult Leader, when originally sold on the Paper+Plastick web site, came in a limited, GITD Wunderland War plastic cup; my cup is number 107 of 192.


At a certain age (approx. 8-10) I was pretty obsessed with Batman and Robin—on television; never read a Batman comic in my life. I didn’t miss a show after school. The suspense of each first part ending with such calamitous cliffhangers was really stressful—but also thrilling. I was a dumb kid, I wasn’t sure if Batman or Robin would escape certain death. That autographed picture of Adam West and Burt Ward are the only autographs I’ve ever gotten. Related, was meeting Frank Gorshin—the Riddler—at my 25th wedding anniversary party. He just happened to be at Tavern on the Green that night and my mother-in-law knew him, so she introduced me. He was one cool character. I was so wishing for a Riddler Wobbler.



Next, is the curio cabinet next to my desk, which is home to some cool stuff.


The Secret Squirrel is a painted proto and he’s my favorite proto. The Sylvester is very unique—it is not a wax proto, but rather a protype for a talking Sylvester. [some pics and a little more info on Sylvester at viewtopic.php?p=2472143#p2472143] Hanna Barbera Wobbler protos are hard to come by. Atom Ant and Squiddly Diddly were gifted to me by Pete.

The Peek a boo Pop ups on the top right are another classic Funko item I fell in love with. They’re a toy combined with a greeting card. The Beatnik (proto) was never produced. Almost all of these had two version (two different messages), but I only collected one of each style--again, a space thing.

2004 Catalog:



The complete display of aliens on the bottom shelf is one of my favorite items in my entire collection. There’s just something very cool about having a complete display especially with it’s retro feel—they look like something out of the 70’s to me, not 2004.

The Triple Treats were another great Funko original. A Card, some candy, and a mini-Wobbler. Stacey and I had lucked into a pretty large haul of Triple Treats in the boxes. Initially, we shared the find by selling/gifting individual Triple Treats to Funatics who wanted them. When interest waned, we decided to keep as many as we could together with the boxes. Amazingly, we had one complete set left—Casper (can’t imagine why no one wanted a little, friendly ghost). My win, though. It’s now where it belongs. [There’s a Triple Treat flier further down that will show you some of the others.]

This big guy stands guard in the corner behind me. And these 20” Betty Boop banks are just temporarily hanging out on the floor in front of my desk. They normally reside in my rec room, but their spot is currently filled with clutter.



So, that’s all the vinyl, with a few exceptions. I still haven’t located a few pieces; yes, even after three years, there are a few unpacked boxes and clutter. MIA for now are: Morocco Mole Nodnik and the light blue, dark blue, and green Huckleberry Hound Dorbz. I know they’ll show up eventually. Also not displayed, yet, are my Meal Magic Wobbers and crystals (gifts from Jim). I’m building a case for them to hang on the wall.

Here are some non-vinyl parts of the collection. Not everything, but most of it.















Well, that’s a wrap. Thanks for staying with me for this novel-length post. I find it hard to be concise when posting, though, believe me, I could have written more.

I apologize to any Funatic I didn’t mention who gifted me items, and there were a number of Funatics who contributed to my collection--freely: Carol, Jim, Pete, Jacob, Brian, kroffty, Bear, Craig, Todd/tjbhab (how could I forget, you gifted me the green crystal Freddy for my COM), Dan, MikeM, Robert1313, Justin/justicewarrior88, Paul/Chester, Josh/shogunjlips, Terry/Terrystoyhouse, Dustman/Jim, Houssein, Chris R. Frank M., Dave/Zillas, and Todd/Sting (I hope I didn’t miss anyone). Gifting isn’t a requirement for being a good Funatic, but it sure is worth acknowledging—and expressing humble gratitude. I get a great sense of joy when I gift someone something they really appreciate, and I just wanted the Funatic village to know that I truly appreciated the gifts I’ve received.

Ok, so that’s a wrap :cheers:

NOTE: I welcome any comments or questions, but to make it easier for everyone, please don't "quote" my entire post so all the pictures don't get re-posted. Thank you
Last edited by Scotty on Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:45 pm, edited 36 times in total.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby lavery01 » Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:16 pm

Wow =D> what an amazing collection. Enjoyed reading and looking at everything. Love how you have it all set up and displayed. Really appreciate you taking the time to post it all, thanks for sharing.
Last edited by lavery01 on Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Poncho Pete » Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:23 pm

Thank you so much for posting your amazing collection. The power of pruning is an underrated part of collecting in my book. Our collection every year looks different as our life changes and evolves.

This all very much speaks of you! Kudos to the immaculate care and detail!
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Deezy » Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:32 pm

You have an amazing collection! Wow!!
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby TJLAUTERBACH » Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:33 pm

WOW!!! Absolutely amazing Scotty. I'll tell you one thing you have an amazing collection and very nice display. But I will have to say the best part of reading your story about all the years of collecting is how generous, loving, caring and thoughtful everyone was to one another! Definitely made my day. I need to look at this again to capture and take in all of the amazing pictures and stories. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby MasterSplyntr » Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:40 pm

Beautifully displayed, Scotty! Thank you for sharing your incredible collection!
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Reverend » Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:14 am

Wow great set up brother!
ISO Pop Spastik Tiki protos, ALL OF THEM!



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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Sarcasticguy » Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:11 am

I can't help but notice that there is some extra room in the middle of your den for some shelves... :-k

Joking aside, this is an amazing collection even if you had to prune it. I love that everything has a memory or story... it's what collecting really is about, how we connect with our "stuff". Thank you for sharing, it's definitely a sight to see!
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Nis_chac » Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:33 am

First of all I am obsessed with your collection and setup! :hello1:
Second, some criteria I choose for letting pops go are:
1) are they part of my main line I collect?
2) do I have more than 1 variant of a given character?
3) monetary value. If it’s with too little I can either give it so someone who needs it or just keep it bc it won’t sell. If it’s too much (money is tight) I can’t justify keeping in my collection.
4) personal memories are a must stay as you mentioned!

I hope this helps!
PS. Just build a new shed or area for more Funko and don’t sell any!
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby MadLove » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:47 am

Beautiful display!! Thank you so much for the tour of it!! Definitely some real treasures in there!!
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby 9fingerdevil » Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:02 am

Love the collection and your set up thanks for sharing

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Boymom4 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 12:35 pm

WOW, what an AWESOME collection! I loved reading about your collection and how so many of your pieces were obtained. It sounds like you have some really amazing funatics in your life and in my opinion that's really what matters the most. It's so great hearing stories about friends gifting items to another funatic because they feel it will fit best in their collection and not worried about the dollar sign attached to the item. Most often people look at ppg, ebay sales, funko app to determine value when selling and trading instead of sometimes just saying hey I like what you have so let's trade etc eventhough the value is off and not worrying about always being "even steven" so to speak. Although it's easy to look at your collection and inspire to have one like it or even be a little envious...the truth is what I envy the most is those true funatic friendships you mentioned. I think because I was a bit late to the funko game I have yet to truly have that, it's still feels as though I'm surrounded by so many looking out for themselves and not others (which i say with no ill intent and understand how the funko game so to speak has changed). Bottom line is seriously you have an absolutely amazing collection and story to follow and I hope as I continue with my funko journey that I will hopefully make those friendships that last a lifetime vs just running into collectors here and there. Congrats on being what I feel like a true "funatic" should be!!!

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Alleycat » Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:21 pm

Scotty, your collection is absolutely bonkers!!! From the selections, to the furniture, to the photography, to the narrative - just BONKERS (not simply amazing, or awesome). It's been quite a while since I've seen such out of the box beauties. You've made my otherwise ordinary day into a fun back to the past memory train. I also look back fondly at our trip to Funko's "new" HQ and FunkoFanJim's birthday party trip. Fun times!!! I miss you, Stacey and all the gang.

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Sdivirgilio7 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:51 pm

Your display room is serious goals! Everything looks great!

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Mawhonic7 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:20 pm

Thank you for this post! I can only imagine how difficult it was to whittle down years of collecting but you chose well. Your collection is focused and fun. As a fellow H-B fan, I am in awe.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby YeetGrimes » Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:28 pm

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful home and collection you have! This thread made my jaw drop.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Scotty » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:05 pm

Boymom4 wrote:WOW, what an AWESOME collection! I loved reading about your collection and how so many of your pieces were obtained. It sounds like you have some really amazing funatics in your life and in my opinion that's really what matters the most. It's so great hearing stories about friends gifting items to another funatic because they feel it will fit best in their collection and not worried about the dollar sign attached to the item. Most often people look at ppg, ebay sales, funko app to determine value when selling and trading instead of sometimes just saying hey I like what you have so let's trade etc eventhough the value is off and not worrying about always being "even steven" so to speak. Although it's easy to look at your collection and inspire to have one like it or even be a little envious...the truth is what I envy the most is those true funatic friendships you mentioned. I think because I was a bit late to the funko game I have yet to truly have that, it's still feels as though I'm surrounded by so many looking out for themselves and not others (which i say with no ill intent and understand how the funko game so to speak has changed). Bottom line is seriously you have an absolutely amazing collection and story to follow and I hope as I continue with my funko journey that I will hopefully make those friendships that last a lifetime vs just running into collectors here and there. Congrats on being what I feel like a true "funatic" should be!!!

Boymom4 (you don't have a name in your profile or a signature so don't know what else to call you), thanks for your post. Things may have changed, but sometimes, not as much as you think. Yes, when I started collecting, it was very much different than now, but I'm kind of a newbie, as well, compared to the really long-time collectors of Funko. When I started, I was so envious of the "old timers" because that truly had to be an amazing time. And they had their problems too, don't let anyone fool you. You may have noticed, or not, that for your time on the board, I haven't been around very much. Let's just say, just because you're an old Funatic doesn't mean you're a good Funatic. I made some great connections with folks, and those people that were my friends are still important to me (of course, they wouldn't know it because I suck at social media and keeping in touch. This board is the most socializing i've ever done--I don't even have a facebook account (I tried it for about a month and hated it) lol There are soooo many people into Funko these days, you can be certain that there are a lot of great people among them.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Tmarie_82 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:11 pm

Incredible! Thank you for sharing

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Scotty » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:17 pm

Alleycat wrote:Scotty, your collection is absolutely bonkers!!! From the selections, to the furniture, to the photography, to the narrative - just BONKERS (not simply amazing, or awesome). It's been quite a while since I've seen such out of the box beauties. You've made my otherwise ordinary day into a fun back to the past memory train. I also look back fondly at our trip to Funko's "new" HQ and FunkoFanJim's birthday party trip. Fun times!!! I miss you, Stacey and all the gang.

Craig, thank you so much for the accolades. I worked pretty hard at setting everything up--and taking the pics and all that to be able to post. A large part of the fun of Funko collecting is sharing the experience--even for an old hermit like me. Quite a few of those great memories I mentioned involved you. The visit we had with Brian was the best, and not just when we were at HQs. Do you remember not being able to walk straight at the top of the Space Needle--so much so that I had to hold your shoulders to keep you away from the railing (and folks, he was not drinking). :roflmao:

We both miss you as well.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Scotty » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:30 pm

Thank you everyone for the kind words. It makes me feel good that my collection brings some joy to more than just me. I sure smile a lot when I'm in my den. Certainly doesn't help my ADD--so many colorful, shiny objects everywhere.

I'm not sure if it's just the older vinyl, but with the sweats and age, there's a distinct vinyl scent. And I LOVE it. I don't really notice it much just sitting here, but I like to go to the Billy cabinets every now and again and open the doors and just breath in. Is it just me? :-k
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby MONSTER » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:44 pm

Your trimmed down collection looks amazing and the way you have everything set up is perfect.

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby zackispoppin » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:41 pm

I’m in the same boat. I need to trim down my collection too :( I have 370 pops now and not enough room for them. Your collection is fantastic. Congrats on all those old pieces. Don’t see many of those pop up now.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby kevinbuddha » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:51 pm

Scotty I can identify what it means to choose some Funko pieces over others. I have done that several times as I have donated to goodwill, gave away stuff on Halloween, sent items to people on the Funatic boards and many donations to ARC. It is hard to choose what to keep and what to give away, but as long as it makes you smile then you have chosen wisely.

You collection reflects a big chunk of your childhood and part of what makes Funko simply Funko. You have some of the best of Funko in your home and some rare pieces too...…………..which are always fun to look at and hear the story behind them. I love the way your photos were taken and the commentary that goes with them.

I can tell you that many of the piece I have make me smile because of the story behind them, so you have captured what it mean to be a Funatic as far as I am concerned. When collecting Funko, it is more about the people you meet and call your family, than the toys that you add along the eay. Don't get me wrong, I love the toys, but I love the people more.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Ruen97 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:56 pm

What an amazing collection thank you for sharing.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby emcee » Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:00 am

This is one super duper amazing collection. I can totally believe it took you over a year to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. So many pieces for me have sentimental value from either gifts, events, items I've hunted for a long time, prize giveaways, and signed items that I couldn't ever think of getting rid of. I assume you lost items in all of those categories I just listed if you had to cut down 600-700 items.

Thanks for sharing your Funko room, the displays are all absolutely perfect.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Fugly16 » Mon Sep 30, 2019 9:27 am

This is my new favorite thread. It's beautiful.

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby nerdandcheese » Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:27 am

Amazing collection. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby FFJim » Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:17 pm

That's a great collection and a beautiful room, Scott. The organization is fantastic. Nicely done!

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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby Scotty » Mon Sep 30, 2019 9:30 pm

Thanks, again, to all for the very kind words.

kevinbuddha wrote:Scotty I can identify what it means to choose some Funko pieces over others. I have done that several times...

Thanks Kevin. I know you understand more than most what it's like to shape a collection.

Fugly16 wrote:This is my new favorite thread. It's beautiful.

Thank you; that brought a smile to an otherwise gray day.

FFJim wrote:That's a great collection and a beautiful room, Scott. The organization is fantastic. Nicely done!

Jim, I'm really glad you saw that. ;-)
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Re: How Do You Choose - Trimming a Collection

Postby popfanboy » Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:18 am

This whole thread was amazing! Thank you for showing off your collection! I enjoy seeing amazing collections displayed so perfectly and the added history was so fun to read. Any sort of Funko history I eat right up. Love learning new things and learning of new pieces!
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby BigM » Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:04 am

Thank you for sharing your collection and stories, Scotty. Your set up is so clean and organized. Also please take your Vynl sets out of the box! lol
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby slimpicks » Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:29 pm

wow that is truly an awesome collection! and i love the old funko ads and boxes. thats amazing part of funko history.
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby Barryyyyy » Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:35 pm

Even pared down, your collection is still absolutely amazing! I remember (I think :-k ) seeing pics of your old collection elsewhere on the boards. I don’t come around much anymore myself (although at only 5 years, I’m still relatively new) for the same reasons I’ve seen elsewhere....the collecting landscape has changed, the people have changed, the community has definitely changed.
Glad I randomly decided to peruse the boards today and happen upon your post! The stories of the collectors and the friendships, as well as the pics, made me smile and reminded me of the reason we all originally came here...the Funko Funatic community.
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby dustman94 » Tue Oct 08, 2019 7:02 pm

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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby Geescube » Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:43 pm


ahhhh an appearance from you and toytonytexas!!! Feels like old times up in here. Hope you have been well. <3

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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby PopCollector » Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:57 pm

A great read, great display and the pictures brought back some good memories!
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby Scotty » Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:22 am


Jim, I always wondered if your board name was derived from the amount of dust a collection collects and the pain in the butt it is to get rid of it. That's why I bought the Billy cabinets with doors in the other house. Also why I put the Freddy's in my den in individual cases. I never intended to have so many pieces out in the open like I do now. I've been in the new house for about three years and have only done light dusting. One of these days I'm actually going to have to get after it. Can't hire a maid--wouldn't trust anyone else to do it right.
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby The1one1 » Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:12 pm

What an amazing display. Everything is so neat and organized! Thanks for sharing there are so many nostalgic pieces! I got a laugh at “Bud Man”
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby kevinbuddha » Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:06 am

The1one1 wrote:What an amazing display. Everything is so neat and organized! Thanks for sharing there are so many nostalgic pieces! I got a laugh at “Bud Man”

There are 2 versions of Bud Man. One has a hairy chest and the other does not. Fun little Funko facts!
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Re: Trimming a Collection (aka Scotty's Collection)

Postby The1one1 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:00 am

kevinbuddha wrote:
The1one1 wrote:What an amazing display. Everything is so neat and organized! Thanks for sharing there are so many nostalgic pieces! I got a laugh at “Bud Man”

There are 2 versions of Bud Man. One has a hairy chest and the other does not. Fun little Funko facts!

Call me a nerd but I LOVE those little fun facts! I was pretty young when Bud Man was a thing, so I can’t recall his chest hair but it’s Hilarious that funko made two versions with such a small difference.
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